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Improving productivity and profitability through Assessment, Teambuilding, and Consulting.

"There are employees, and there are teams. Employees have a boss, teams have leaders. Teams make dreams a reality."

Brian Jones, ATC CEO

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

This week I just want to share an inspiring moment I had at the Apple store a few days ago.  As I waited for my appointment I witnessed a tech working with a woman who was definitely over 85 years old.  She had her laptop on the table and she was showing the tech her photo presentation from a recent Christmas event.  She used iPhoto to put them all together in a presentation, she added music, and there were words streaming through the presentation as well.  I thought to myself, “WOW! What an inspiration this woman is.”  I don’t even know how to do what she was doing.  She was there learning more and more, building on her current skills. 
As I waited I wondered how uncomfortable she may have been when she first started using the computer and building these skills.  No doubt she must have been adventurous, but maybe not.  There is a good possibility that she really had to step outside of her comfort zone to become better at something that she was initially afraid of.
What do you want to do that seems so far out of reach and/or causes you fear?
What would it feel like to work through that fear?   
What can be done to overcome that fear?
Think about it and then WRITE IT DOWN.  Then write down the action steps you will take to overcome it.  Make sure the action steps are:
Successful people are results oriented and they TAKE ACTION!  We either succeed or we fail but it is up to us!  And of course, we have to be thankful and show gratitude for where we are today and now.
Merry Christmas to all of you,
Michelle Jones
“People never fail, they just stop trying.” -unknown

Monday, December 12, 2011

How Are You Leading Yourself?

Part of being a great leader is constantly looking in the mirror and seeking self-improvement, both personally and professionally.  As we approach the end of the year and quickly move into the New Year it’s a perfect opportunity to look at our lives and see where we are congruent and where we could improve our congruency.
What is congruency?
Congruency is when your thoughts, words, and actions are in total alignment.
To become more congruent you must set intentions that are realistic, show gratitude, and set action steps that are specific, measureable, and have a timeline.  It’s best to set intentions for 90 day time periods. For Example, if you want to lose 20 pounds within 90 days being congruent may look like this:
1)      Set an intention  (I AM 125 pounds)
2)      Show gratitude (I AM so grateful that I am healthy, my body is nourished, and I’m able to walk and conduct physical activity)
3)      Action Steps – Remember, action steps have to be specific, measurable, and have a timeline and at first will be uncomfortable. (I commit to working out at 6:00 am 5 days a week for at least 20 minutes)
You MUST write it down and DO IT! Basically, walk to walk you talk.  We all know this is the most important action leaders can take.
Life happens and sometimes we lose sight of ourselves and what’s important to us.  I challenge each and every one of you to pick ONE THING that’s important to you and determine whether you are making it a priority and staying congruent.
Some of my favorite people and websites I continue to use are:
At www.Shiftand WakeUp.com Mir Lynne Pietrzyk provides so much valuable information about personal and professional self improvement and keeping yourself accountable!  Check it out…
One of my favorite books ever is Slow Down, The Fastest Way to Get Everything You Want, by David Essel.  It helps me Slow Down and remember what’s important to me and helps in my own congruency so that I’m better able to embrace all that my life has to offer, regardless of the circumstances or how busy I am! You can find this book at www.DavidEssel.com
Remember to lead yourself first so you can better lead others!
Until next time,
Michelle A. Jones, MBA
Executive Vice President
Adventure Training Concepts
Phone: 239.285.9142 /Fax: 239.220.5138