Welcome to our blog!

Improving productivity and profitability through Assessment, Teambuilding, and Consulting.

"There are employees, and there are teams. Employees have a boss, teams have leaders. Teams make dreams a reality."

Brian Jones, ATC CEO

Monday, October 18, 2010

Adventure Training Concepts (ATC) Blog Launch

Welcome to the official launch of the ATC Training and Leadership Development blog…your source for valuable information and updates you can use every day in the workplace and in your personal life!  If you are interested in leadership development, teambuilding, various coaching, and ADVENTURE topics you will love this blog!
Who is Adventure Training Concepts anyway?
The word ADVENTURE naturally draws attention but until you work with us and really get to know us it can be difficult to understand the real solutions we provide leaders and teams every day.  In a nutshell, this is who we are and how we help others succeed:
Adventure Training Concepts (ATC) is a Disabled Veteran Owned Business (DVOB) owned by Brian and Michelle Jones, both highly decorated veterans. (To read more visit our bio page at http://www.adventuretrainingconcepts.com/
ATC is a training and leadership development company that improves an organization’s profitability and productivity. Through Assessment, Team Training and Coaching, ATC improves efficiency and can reduce turnover, creating an environment that promotes long-term employment.  What does that mean?
Everything we do is CUSTOM Designed.  If there is a workplace with more than two people in it, there is a team!  There are leaders and there are teams in every organization unless a business is a one man/woman show.  Within every team are people with different personalities, behavior styles, perceptions, ideas, work ethics, ages, values etc...etc…etc…  We help get down to the nitty gritty of what is going on within the team and design a program to improve effectiveness, efficiency, productivity, and profitability. 
How can we help you? 
 Before you know where you are going, it’s important to know where you are and where you’ve been.  This is the first step in determining what type of training is needed. During this phase we find out what is going on within the team and design a custom program.  We use assessments such as Everything DiSC to determine different behavior preferences and conduct workshops focusing on applicable topics.  (Management, Sales, Effective Listening, Communication etc…)
Team Training:
We take teams out of the office (outside the norm and comfort zone) and custom design the perfect program for your group based on the information gathered in the Assessment Phase.
We customize real adventures that are sophisticated in design to ensure participant buy-in and focus. While all of our training programs focus on building stronger teams, creative group learning, and leadership development, our unique and engaging themes provide an added sense of adventure and excitement. Our adventures are once-in-a-lifetime experiences you won’t soon forget!  Focused and customized training points and facilitation are applied throughout the program.
Our Locations:
ATC Adventure Themes can be executed at our new 25 acre ATC Everglades Training Center, our 5.5 acre Discovery Challenge Course, our partner resort-Gateway Canyon Resort in Gateway, Colorado;  or any resort or meeting venue around the world. Programs can last from 2 hours to multiply days depending on the group. Group Sizes range from 5 to over 1,000. Pricing depends on group size, length of event, and desired level of sophistication.
Sample Themes: Mission Possible, James Bond, Indiana Jones, Survivor, Operation Downed Pilot, Soldier for a Day/Weekend/Week, Military Special Operations, The Great Race, Operation Shipwreck
Many of our clients use our teambuilding programs as rewards and celebrations for organizational success, which is very appropriate considering the adventurous nature of our events!
Many individuals, managers, and executive level leaders seek additional coaching in leadership development and other competency enhancements.  We offer one on one programs and group sessions depending on the needs of the individual organization.  New Supervisor Training, Leadership Roundtables, and one on one Leadership Development are our most popular coaching sessions.
Who do we serve?
Corporate Teams, Sales Teams, Youth Groups, Women’s Organizations and Retreats, Men’s groups, Church Groups, Military Teams, Government Teams, Boards of Directors, Clubs and Associations, Small Business Leaders,  and just about anyone with a team of people working together to accomplish a common goal!
Individuals wishing to improve personal and leadership skills
Who and what we are NOT:  
We are not your standard, recreational teambuilding company. NO EGG TOSSES, falling off tables or beach Olympics here.  Although we make our programs extremely fun and engaging, our programs are designed to provide REAL and lasting organizational results.  Everything we do has been designed by us and our professional operations team.  All of us have led hundreds of teams around the globe for many, many years.
So, there it is in a nutshell.  Stay tuned for our blog posts that will provide great info to help you in your workplace endeavors.
Make it an ADVENTUROUS day!

MA. Jones
Michelle A. Jones